Tuesday, August 08, 2006

The Eagle Has Landed

I am alive and well in the land of the rising sun. Everything looks different around here, and it feels really good to be back. I've already picked up two students that I'm teaching private english lessons to, and I've got a head full of ambitious ideas, and a mouth full of pizza with corn and mayonnaise. Here is a map to give you some context on my location, so you'll know where to drop the care packages (mm, sweet emergency rations):

I'm in the little green building to the left of center. If you zoom out a bit you can see the giant metropolitan sprawl that is Tokyo. I love being in this vast artificial construct, I feel like the world's largest cities are the pinnacle of man's achievement. I grew up in the mountains, so believe me, I know all about nature. I'm sick of freaking trees already. There's power in places like this, vast amounts of wealth and human resources harnessed to create and change. I just want to be where the action is. Functioning mass-transit and employment opportunities also tend to be pretty convenient.

In the weeks to come you can expect all types of stuff from this spot, covering news and items of interest from Japan, how-to's on crap I have mastered, and the internet - my one true love. I'm never homesick as long as I have you, sweet internet. If only I had a wireless connection in my head. The future cannot possibly happen fast enough. Using my memory is stupid, I demand Mind Notepad.

At any rate, I've already made a pilgrimage out to Akihabara, the nerd capital of the whole world, and I've returned home with a fat sack of loot that I'll talk about in a future post. For now, you'll have to be content with this image:

That's a Nintendo 64 along with the 64DD, it comes with Mario Paint, Polygon Studio, and Sim City 64. There is a mouse and a microphone bundled in as well. How much should you expect to pay for a semi-ancient, stripped down pc? Around $500. I'd be screaming N64 like a retard too if I got that as a kid.


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